Wings of Fire Dragon Ranking of Pantala

 Wings of Fire Dragon Ranking of Pantala

  1. Hivewings (different powers from each dragon. Powers include: Stingers, Venom in claws and teeth, along with others. )
  2. LeafWings (Leafspeak: Can will plants to grow at alarming rates, and control plants)
  3. Silkwings (Each Dragon is born without wings, and must go through a stage, where they can shoot webs, and get wings. )

Hivewings are really strong, and thats how they got control of Pantala in the first place. Many Hivewings don't have powers, but normally Hivewings have around 5 powers. Which is a lot, comparing to other dragons. Not only that, but they also have 4 wings, which gives them incredible stability speed. 

Leafwings are powerful, but also powerless if there aren't plants nearby. Leafwings have a power called Leafspeak and can speak to the plants, and control them. Imagine a fight. They could easily control a vine to tangle a dragon, or control a meat eating plant. But they can't make seeds come at will. There must be a plant or seed already there. 

Silkwings are beautiful dragons, even above Rainwings. Silkwings have webs, which can tangle an enemy dragon, but that is basically it. Some Silkwings are born with a type of power called Flamesilk, which is basically Flaming Webs. Think about it as laser-hot Webs, which could easily scorch a dragon to death. But unfortunately many dragons don't have this, which is why they are on the lowest rank. 


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